Monday, February 20, 2012



Master the can with the ONETOUCH! This saved my refrigerator, my kids trying to keep from laughing, and my sanity. This was too funny, usually I have my kids open the cans using a hand can opener, one day the kids were at school and I thought to myself why wait for the kids, I got this.oh Lord, this was an adventure that ended in a temper tantrum! LOL here I was with a manual can opener and one hand… You can imagine! well needless to say, I got the can opener in the can to start it amazingly, but then I couldn't keep it together and turn the handle. I ended up putting the whole thing, including the can opener, in the refrigerator to wait for the kids and I sat down and cried. I said all that to say, yes it's normal we all get frustrated and it's okay, that's how inventions are invented! 

I found out about one touch can opener, and this is something we can all use, even the Single Handed!!  I WAS SOOO EXCITED!

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